In our career, especially when we start establising our career there are many choose that we are facing with. This step bring us in dilemma situation. That is what now i facing with.
At this time i have job in one of PMA (Perusahaan Modal Asing) in Indonesia, more special i working in Japannese company, with good position, enough salary and clear career step. I'm is newbie in this company, stil six month here. I'm join in this company after enroll and pass the selection process of this holding company (one of the biggest company in indonesia with total employee) so of course i thanks to God for all that i have.
But as usually, human have ambition and disatisfaction, sometimes this good but sometimes this also forbiden. Last week i enroll oil and gas company that owned by goverment, and this afternoon i got call for following the selection process. Honestly, join in this company is my goal when i was at university. So this condition take me to the dilemma, because now i still working and the selection will held in working days. Another dilemma is because i still new in this company, still there are nothing big that i give to the company, its not so ethic if i leave the company. Even also there are no guarantee that i will pass in this selection. But if i make comparation this situation is seem a boy with girlfriend made approaching to other girlfriend. So is what i do is betraying??.
My father of course want me to join in this goverment company, and i'm sure that will make him proud. This is also my goal, my personal achievement (one more time there are no guarantee i will pass the selection. But i also have loyalty side, my thanks to my company now, how they have give good treat to me, how they very welcomed to me.