Friday, September 2, 2011

Marriage Question

Marriage Question...
Thats is scary question for people with age between 24 - 26 that still have no boyfriend or girlfriend (Including Me).
So, when is that question will appear?
Usually when big family gathering, when we meet our uncle, or family etc.
This year (August,2011) I can dodge from that question, because now i'm not in Yogyakarta, I can't participate in family gathering.

But how about next year?
Now I'am almost 24 years, and still haven't girlfriend. Even i think I'm not so ugly but I don't know why, this is my real condition.
Exactly i have to do lets do something.
With intention pure for Allah, bismillah....

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Feel : I'm Not From Around Here

Dear My Friend....
I hope this letter never finds you in anytime. Coz I just need to express my thoughts without having to ruin your day.

Yah....perusahaan baru, lingkungan baru, kewajiban baru (Semua tantangan baru)
Life is a choice, life is an an adventure, life is bigger than what you think.

Barang siapa yang pernah pindah perusahaan mungkin pernah mengalami ini, apalagi kalau proses kepindahaanya dengan cara yang tidak mengikuti prosedur. Yup, saat ini saya bekerja di BUMN terbesar di Indonesia, dengan status trainee. The problem is, saat bergabung ke tempat baru ini saya tidak bersama dengan teman-teman satu angkatan yang lain. Atas nama komitmen terhadap tanggung jawab saya menyelesaikan project yang telah diberikan perusahaan saya sebelumnya terlebih dahulu baru setelah itu saya masuk ke perusahaan baru. Nah karena harus menyelesaikan project ini, aku masuk telat 2 minggu di banding teman yang lain. Rasanya seperti anak SD yang baru pindah sekolah, teman-teman yang ada disini sudah saling mengenal satu sama lain, sudah tinggal bersama selama 2 minggu, tiba-tiba ada lagi tambahan satu orang asing (aku) disitu.
Bagaimanakah rasanya???
Ya, seperti yang bisa diperkirakan "Feel Not From Around Here"
But that is a challenge, i believe this only will happen in a few weeks, or a few month, and after all i will feel like the champions. Because if I left my previous company and my manager without finishing my responsibilities, that will create guilty feeling in my whole life.
So this feeling is better than guilty feeling in entire of my life...
Easy Guys Stay Calm