Did you already finish recite all the content of Holy Quran?
Did you recite including the tafseer?
Did you understanding whole the content?
Too bad, until this day, I’m already 24 years old, I’m not yet finish recite all the tafseer of Holy Quran, so how I can Implement my religion in my life.
Implement doctrine of Islam is duty of every Muslims as well to promote the knowledge of Islam. Except they accept to be called as “Islam KTP” in Indonesia. Yes, many people that admit as a Muslim, but they never put into practice the order of their religion. They believe by doing good to the other is enough, but how come they doing good if they have no motive to doing good, they have no spirit doing good. The only reason they doing good is just to make other people treat them like what they have done. But how they would treat people that they don’t recognize if they don’t have motive.
How we can understanding what our responsibility and our rights as a human. In relation between people and company we usually use what to be called mutual agreement or “perjanjian kerja bersama” in Indonesia to know the obligation and rights from the employee. But how we know our responsibility in relation we as a creature of God?
When I was participating recitation in Indramayu my Ustad give the message “There is No Day Without a Holy Quran” reading and reciting Quran is the duty of a true Muslims, not just pray five times in a day. Many Moslem assume that reciting Holy Quran is not an obligation, and that is totally wrong. My Ustad in Indramayu says that reciting Holy Quran is our duty, the different with Shalat is the time, if time for doing Shalat is already determined, the time for reciting Holy Quran is more flexible.
How we can understand our responsibility if we never learn the content of a Holy Quran as our life guidance. Holy Quran has remedy to many human afflictions. Quran Education guides all the people in the matters of life and also helps in synchronizing yourself with the true guidance of Allah. By studying the Holy Quran you can better understand the religion of Islam and can also get to know about the accurate way of living life.
Until this moment I also not recite Quran everyday, so I write this note to remind my self and also to suggest the other, the important of us to understand the content of Quran. It’s still not late for us to start new habit “There is no day without a Holy Quran”. Or maybe if you feel already late it’s better late than never. Just let’s start.
Cilacap, February 16, 2012
percoyo ora dul ket saiki aku dadi wong gunung ki......tiada hari tanpa baca alquran, 3-4 waktu sholat mesti jamaah neng langgar......?
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